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Colorado Civil Engineering

Info@elevatedcivil.com      303-932-8287


On Site Systems, since 1997

Driveway Design

A civil engineer must design a driveway considering equipment available, weather and drainage, sun exposure and road access.

Driveway graded by a dozer minimizes hills and valleys.

Unpaved driveways, gravel driveways or those surfaced with road base or other rocks allow water to seep into the soil and help prevent flooding. Concrete or asphalt paved drives are easier to maintain and to plow snow, but are expensive and also require sealing and maintenance.

Equipment Matters

Driveway design depends on the type of equipment the homeowner or contractor plan on using.  Small equipment, backhoes and bobcats/skidsteers will dictate following the existing contours, for the most part. Larger dozers, track backhoes and loaders allow movement of large volumes of soil, where you can flatten the drive, filling the valleys with soil from the peaks.

Heavy equipment allows leveling of road or driveway, balancing the cuts with the fills.

Sample Driveway Profile

Fine Home Building magazine published an informative article on long lasting driveways. Click here for a link to the article.

Call or Email Us        303-932-8287      info@elevatedcivil.com