© 2017 On Site Systems   

Colorado Civil Engineering

Info@elevatedcivil.com      303-932-8287


On Site Systems, since 1997

Excavation Permits

Engineered grading & excavation plans for permit should consider the total site, including building excavation, driveway construction, and septic system install.

Excavation permits are required for larger sites, planning for dirt amounts, import or export.

Above: This stockpile of soil, about 30 c.y. Is excess from a recently installed absorption field. The field required about the same amount of imported washed sand. The soil generated from all phases of construction, septic system, driveway construction, home excavation and backfill, and site grading should be coordinated to minimize the need to export soil.

Call or Email Us        303-932-8287      info@elevatedcivil.com